I have an interview July 12 to teach English in UAE, do anyone know the interview process, how many people will interview me, will I have to teach a class, and etc.?
Also, does anyone have any advice about teaching in the UAE?
I have an interview July 12 to teach English in UAE, do anyone know the interview process, how many people will interview me, will I have to teach a class, and etc.?
Also, does anyone have any advice about teaching in the UAE?
Hello, I'm 52 and I just completed my TeachAway profile. I'm planning to attend the hiring event in San Francisco
in Feb of 2017 are you attending? I'm an Adult Educator now in GED (English Language Arts, Career Pathways, and Transitional Skills).
Also an Adult ESL Teacher part-time. My Masters Degree is in HR Managment. Care to share a little about yourself?
Hi Bridget
I had a phone screening two days ago. Unfortunately, I was not shortlisted for a face to face interview. Bummer. But just make sure you look at the attachment that was sent with your email. The person I spoke with was very nice. Make sure you meet the minimum qualifications. Oh,and you will be responsible for making arrangements if you move on to a face to face interview. Good luck!
Hi Stephanie
Honestly, it was more of a pre screening application. They go over your resume, ask a couple of questions from it, tell you about the progam/ area of interest. And of course ask why chose to apply. That's about it. Wasn't too long at all.
Hi, I interviewed in Houston last week. We started out with the orientation and then people were called individually for interviews. It's important for you to know about the ADEC reform. I was asked why I wanted to work for ADEC, what's my style of teaching, how do I deal with behavior issues,...the normal teaching interview questions. We didn't have a test or present a lesson or anything. Nobody has heard anything back yet.
Hi Adeyemi,
I had mine last Monday in London. We all did a test first, lasted about an hour - mine was Maths and very very difficult (A-Level standard, 95% of questions). I was one of the first to be interviewed after that.
It was quite a friendly interview with two UK ladies. Lasted about 10/15 minutes. They asked why I answered half the test, so I told them that Teach Away assured me it would be GCSE standard - which I can do very easily hence I didn't revise A-Level standard! They asked how I would control a disruptive class, how would I cope with students with poor English skills and why I wanted to teach in the UAE. Standard stuff I suppose. They also wanted to know what I knew about the Government Schools Initiative, which I hadn't really researched. I had researched the UAE culture, but they didn't ask me about that.
Apparently though, about 75% of people who get to the face to face interview are offered a contract. I have been offered one, which I was surprised at especially as I messed up the Maths test and didn't feel the interview went very well.
Good luck!
Hi, Ian J, I am a physics teacher interested to work in UAE MOE Schools. On that way my interview is scheduled for this mid of August. Kindly give me your suggestions to face the interview successfully. Please Reply me at pellurirahi@gmail.com
I just had an interview in Atlanta and I think I did well on the written exam, but.....I think I did just ok on the interview piece. I did not have the opportunity to ask questions that I would normally ask at an interview. I know it was a long process for the interviewers and there were quite a few applicants hence, I felt rushed. Even though its only been a couple of days and I've not heard anything, it feels like a week :). Any comments???
Hi Merly,
A much harder one than I expected. I was told it would be GCSE level, maybe a couple of A-Level questions. It was 95% A-Level. A lot of calculus and advanced functions. Not what I expected at all. First thing in the morning 8am doing Maths I haven't done in 30 years = Not much fun.
Still offered the job though!
Wish I had - felt like a right idiot only did half the test!!
Teach Away phoned me as I had concerns about the test, reassured me I would have no problem at all with it given my experience and it was bloody awful!!
They asked me about the test in the interview, and I just told them what had happened and they must have accepted it as still offered me a contract.
Never felt so rubbish though when I looked at the questions....!!
Hi all, I interviewed this week in London. The written test was generally fine (English) as was my interview but it only lasted about 5 minutes (well that's how long it seemed)! There were some advanced grammatical questions on my test which I was asked about in the interview, as I didn't answer a couple of questions! I'm really not sure if this will hinder me and I'm worried they may be looking for someone with expertise in grammar! It's only been two days but I am ever so nervous!
Good luck all!
The written maths test was 100% A level, C1 to C4 topics,. My face to face interview consisted of more maths questions, I was asked to solve questions face to face, prove some circle theorems, lots of calculus, not difficult but involved tricky negative algebraic manipulation. I have no idea how I did, I answered as many questions as possible but left a couple, simply because I was exhausted, not the thing you expect to do first thing in the morning. Basically, my full interview consisted of only maths questions and wasn't sure why! One more thing, no formulae were given and no calculators.
Hai guys
Ive been invited for a face to face in Durban on the 13th of April..its for Biology (High School).Anyone else who has done the same interview?If so,does it also include a test of some sort?..also is there anyone from South Africa(Durban) whose currently going through this process.
Im quite nervous and apprehensive about it all and hope those who have gone through can shed some light..
I'm also interested in applying for a teaching position in UAE. But I have some questions, I'm from the Philippines, and I'm a non-native speaker of English. In the requirements, it says there that non-native speakers should pass the IELTS test, and have a score of not lower than 6.5 in any areas.
Well, I've been teaching ESL for 10 years now, and have a professional teacher's license and a TESOL cert from Australia. Is anyone of you here a non-native speaker of English but qualified to have the interview? It would be my pleasure to know, thanks.
Now I have some feedback to give, I interviewed in London on the 23rd March via Astute, and as stated earlier, I was heavily mathematically interrogated, this was after the written test guys! I kept asking myself if I didn't do well on the test then this guy should not waste his time by asking me more maths questions, but this continued for at least 20 minutes, I was never asked a single question on teaching, in the end I asked what job was I being interviewed for, so then it all made sense! after I spent 2 weeks doing all available A level statics papers etc.. during the interview I was never asked a single question on statistics and that includes the written test (oh let me correct myself there was one grade 5 question on probability), I kind of wanted to talk about statistics but every time I did, the man dismissed and continued to want to humiliate or may be wanted to impress me with his maths, I was totally confused, anyway, after asking , I was told I was being interviewed for a maths teacher job, I said ok, is it for AP statistics teacher? the guy looked at me like he has never heard it before, I had the paper-work right there with me, saying AP statistics teacher, so he looked at me and said "this is not possible because these jobs will not be available for at least another 3 years", so it turned out I wasted my time, just went there to do maths drills. I got a decision today that I didn't get offered a position, so was asking myself which position? the position that never existed or what? to put it simply I will never waste my time again to go for any UAE government jobs....so if you are going for A level or AP statistics teacher position then make sure you check this during the interview as the guy made it clear to me these jobs are not available yet....all the best everyone and congratulations if you have been offered a position for the right job..
Hi all:
I just wanted to congratulate you all on your successful interviews and tests!
Do keep in mind that your placement coordinators are going to be your best resource as you are going through the later stages, and all of you are so close and it is inspiring to see you all chatting and sharing your ideas here. Ian, props to you for being here and answering questions!
Lastly, do update us here on your journey and send us an email to info@teachaway.com with how things are going, we are here for support
Hi everyone,
I am a British teacher currently working in Cairo, Egypt.
I am being interviewed in one week. I will have to fly from Egypt to the UAE, where my interview will take place. I am quite nervous about this interview, as it is pretty vague. Thank you for everything you guys have posted, it has been extremely insightful.
I would be extremely appreciative if anyone could post further details on the English exam. I have applied for a Primary position and the job spec stated Year 2 - Year 5, I am assuming it wouldn't be an A-level standard test for teachers of this age group ...... or maybe it would.... I don't know....
Thanks in advance,
Hi Hana,
I would check with the agency if I was you regarding your teaching qualification.
As for the test, I would prepare for it to be a high level one in case it is! I was told it would be GCSE (Maths for me) and it was Advanced Calculus. In fairness to TeachAway it normally is GCSE level but they decided on the day to give us an extremely difficult paper. Threw me completely, but somehow was still offered a place.
Good luck!
I have been interviewed in UAE for the MOE government we did an hour written exam and then a 10 to 15 min interview with the respective subject head and HR personnel. Some tricky questions but just don't leave any blanks.
With ADEC we got to know within 3 days weather we were successful or not but I wanted to know how soon does the MOE come back to you if you are successful or not?
I was interviewed in Manchester on August 12 for an MoE English teaching position and heard within a week or so that I had received the job. I had all my attested documents ready and submitted within a fortnight and now just waiting to hear about mobilisation. is anyone else in the same boat?
Hi everyone
I had my interview with ADEC on 17 September 2017 in Cape Town South Africa for maths. Apparently it takes up to 2 weeks for ADEC to make an offer, however I have been waiting almost 2 weeks for an offer, all I received was a email from teach away that states that it can take several weeks for ADEC to make a offer, however they do advice me to gather all outstanding documents in the meantime. Does this mean that I will get an offer? I just don’t want to go through all the trouble for nothing. Anyone with advice please…
Hi Jered
I had my skype interview in Durban on the 13th of September...I received an email from my agent informing me that I am on the short list...
Hopefully we will hear soon.
All my other friends that got jobs from SA in the last year never waited so long for an offer letter. They all got notified within a week or 2. Have you received any emails regarding short lists?
Good evening,
I attended my face to face interview on September 11, 2017. I am so nervous because I haven't heard any response or feedback about my interview. Today marked 3 weeks post interview. Is this amount of wait time normal? Will they make me aware either way, if I am a successful candidate or not? Thanks in advance for your patience with my requests.
Good afternoon,
I had my interview the same time in Charlotte. I haven't heard anything either but my placement coordinator sent me an email stating that they were still processing the interviews. You are good. No news is good news. I wish you well. :)
Wow! I'm so glad that you responded. I wished that I had exchanged numbers with another candidate in Charlotte, for this very reason...to compare updates.
You're right, no news is good news in most cases. I'm so excited for this opportunity. Good luck to you as well and hopefully I'll see you again in Abu Dhabi!
I had my interview on the 25th of Aug.
Received and offer about a week later.
Sent of the first contract immediately and began to gather my documents.
It took a month then to receive my final contract and was given 5 potential mobilisation dates.
After you send back the final contract you must get your degrees attested. This can be a lengthy and expensive process. In the UK I have heard it can take up to 4 weeks. As my qualifications are Australian it only took me a week to complete this process there. I received the final contract on the 26th and sent it back 3 days later.
I am currently still awaiting my visa so was not able to leave for the 7th of October. The next mobilisation date is the 28th. I can update you on whether I have my visa in time t it is very likely.
Hope some of this helps
Hello guys, I will be attending an interview for the Computer Science graduate teaching role in the UAE this week, is there anyone who has done anything similar that could be give me any pointers, would be much appreciated, thanks!
Hi Mohammed, How is your job going on? I have my interview in January once dates release new year for the same position in UAE.(computer teacher).
Can you please tell me what is the test like (i.e which language questions or ICT or etc)? and what will be the interview like with delegates.
please share your experience which will be helpful to me. thank you.
Hi Mohammed .. Hope you are doing great. I have got an email for an interview this week for Computer Science/Design Technology Teaching Role. I wonder if you can provide the questions you had on the 1-hr written exam + the topic asked to prepare the lesson plan. Your cooperation & efforts are highly appreciated.
All the best for you too ... Good Luck :)
hi Rahmani
in fact I am shortlisted from MOE and I have an interview for computer sience teacher on June 30 in UAE
please can you help me and tell me how can be the exam (the kind of questions) and about the oral test is it difficult!
And thank you in advance
hi Rima
in fact I am shortlisted from MOE and I have an interview for computer sience teacher on June 30 in UAE
please can you help me and tell me how can be the exam (the kind of questions) and about the oral test is it difficult!
And thank you in advance
hi mohamed
in fact I am shortlisted from MOE and I have an interview for computer sience teacher on June 30 in UAE
please can you help me and tell me how can be the exam (the kind of questions) and about the oral test is it difficult!
And thank you in advance
Be yourself. Speak clearly and slowly. Fully explain how you would teach a class with students that may not speak English. Dress appropriately. Have all documents and passport pictures(USB) that your placement coordinator tell you have at the interview. If you look on the website, it is a section that will prepare you for the interview as well. I hope this helps you.
Hi Diane, Catrina and Lisa,
I too interviewed in Charlotte on Sept. 11 and was informed that I was shortlisted but again that doesn't guarantee an offer. I know someone that is teaching in Abu Dhabi and she stated they were merging ADEC with MOE and that is why it may be taking so long. She said she has never seen it take so long to get an offer but to be patient. Wishing luck for us all!!! I'll keep y'all posted if I hear anything else.
Hi Ladies,
I received information about being shortlisted as well. The colleague that referred me to TeachAway also spoke about a merger between ADEC and MOE. Hopefully we'll all get offer letters very soon. Prayers and blessings!
Hi everyone
I have applied for a Primary teaching job. Is there anyone here who has applied for a primary teaching job with children. I am just a bit nervous about their schooling and fees. I have been told that there is nothing to worry about. I was just wondering if anyone can give me advice. Wishing everyone luck!! xxx
Hello there! I had a phone interview with my recruiter this past Thursday and thought it went well. After the interview, I was informed of my potential salary (good sign?), Minutes after the call, I received the e-mail with the medical questionnaire and pre-interview forms request.better sign?), and that a face-to-face interview was slated for November (another good sign?) I know it's early. I remain optimistic because it seems to be moving rather quickly.
Hi Andre'
The process moves very quickly at the beginning then slows down to a grinding pace. The process is about 2 months from interview to mobilisation depending on the amount of applicants for that time. a lot of applicant that were expected to start in October/Sep have been pushed to Nov/Dec/Jan because of the lengthiness of the administrative requirements.
Hope this helps :)
The position I applied is starts August 2018. After applyig, I had a phone interview about two seeks later, given potential salary numbers, and was informed that face-to-face (Skype?) Interviews would be scheduled sometime in November. I've already received and filled out some of the early paperwork and ALL the ADEC required paperwork. This is when they said things slow down to a snail's pace as they move to the next steps. Oct. 10th was the last contact I've had with my point person and my applications is still under review, so I'm still confident about my prospects.
Hi all,
I am a Ugandan and I applied for the same jobs in UAE. I have a teaching certificate of registration by MoE&Sports of Uganda apart from the bachelors and masters degrees I have, with a teaching experience of over ten years. Is that enough to be invited for interview? How long does it take to be invited?
Hi all!
It's been more than a month since the Skype interview and all I know thus far is that I've been shortlisted. I'm so anxious as to what the outcome will be. This waiting period is a bit stressful. Any idea when we will get feedback?
God bless!
Hi latifay,
Each job is different. I recommend doing the following:
1. Make sure your profile is complete and best reflects your experience and qualifications.
2. Read job postings carefully.
3. Apply for jobs that you qualify for.
Hope this helps!
Hi Brett,
how are you doing? I need some information related to Computer Teacher, please help me out with it.
I have my interview in January once dates are given this new year for the position(computer teacher) in UAE.
1.Can you please tell me what is the test pattern and related syllabus(Are the questions based on java, Networking, HTML ?)
2.what will be the interview like with delegates?
Thank you
hi Rahmani
in fact I am shortlisted from MOE and I have an interview for computer sience teacher on June 30 in UAE
please can you help me and tell me how can be the exam (the kind of questions) and about the oral test is it difficult!
pleasei need your help if it is possible give me your contact
And thank you in advance
Hi Everyone,
I applied this month December and have had quick dizzying results. I applied to ADEC and am waiting to hear the new benefits package and face to face interview appointment to be scheduled. I am also going to the job fair in NYC Feb. 2018.
Hello there! I will be attending a face-to-face interview in Atlanta next week, for a primary position in the UAE. I’m a bit nervous, yet remaining positive that I receive an offer. This commentary has been very helpful. Good luck to all!
Hi everyone
I am from South Africa.I applied for various jobs in October 2017 and received a phone call and also filled in paper work that was emailed to me after the call.
I still have not heard anything from my coordinator and my application status shows that it is under - review. The job I applied for is for August 2018 but everything is just very quiet.
Please inform me of any changes that may occurred which I am not aware of.
Thank You
Hi Jonalin,
I did get a little feedback on this for you:
It looks like there are not currently any UAE school interviews scheduled for South Africa, which means there is not currently an opportunity for your UAE application to move forward, despite the fact that it has not been marked closed.
I'm not sure exactly when that particular application status will change from "Under Review", but my number one suggestion at the current time would be to apply for other jobs that interest you, while ignoring opportunities in the UAE (these are the positions that require an in-person interview session in your home country - others may not), as it appears you are doing!
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you have further questions!
All the best in your job search,
Hello everybody
I am glad to find that people are much friendlier here compared to some other forums and have very positive attitude.
I am wondering if anyone here has applied for physics teaching positions in the U.A.E. who would like to share their experience?
Many thanks in advance
i have an invitation for face to face interview from MOE in MARCH/APRIL. I have applied for English teaching profile.Can somebody please tell me how the examination is going to be? What type of questions are asked .Are they related to the subject or general teaching questions.
Did you have pre- screen interview? I am sorry I can't answer your question but I have pre screen interview on 22june. Can you please tell me about it and after hiw many days you got the face to face interview date?