Hi there,
I just wanted to know what it means if two of my 5 applications simply disappeared from the dashboard after showing the 'submitted' status for about 2 weeks.
Many thanks.
Hi Beata,
Do you know what jobs these were that disappeared?
Talk soon, Brett
Hi Brett,
Thanks for your response. The first one was a direct to school application in Dubai and the second one was a Teachaway application to a school in Kuwait City. I am also a little concerned as to who exactly has access to our profiles / applications. Looking forward to your clarifications.
Regards, Beata
Thanks so much for your information! I have passed along your inquiry about the disappearing applications to our tech team. They'll be able to provide some more information on why those two specific job applications disappeared from your dashboard.
As for the profile and application access, here's some more info: - The information in your Teach Away profile is stored in a secure database that is only accessible by Teach Away administrators. - Job applications are only visible to Teach Away admins and school representatives from the hiring school. Prior to scheduling an interview, they are only able to see info relevant to the specific job you've applied for, such as your experience and qualifications.
If you have further questions, please let me know!
Hey Beata,
Another update for you from our teach team with regards to the applications you can't see:
Your applications should all be documented in your dashboard. From your teacher dashboard (https://teachaway.com/dashboard), under Applications, select "View All".to see your applications and their statuses.
Let me know if this doesn't do the trick!
Hey Brett,
Who can I speak to about my profile? I have applied to jobs and so far I have not gotten a reply. I am not sure what is wrong. Please help.