Hi, What is the best method of contacting and getting a response from Teach Away staff. I sent emails and left voicemail with no response.
Thanks, Claudia
Hi Claudia, were you able to reach us at our Vancouver number: (604) 628-1822? Please note that we're open Mondays to Fridays from 9-5PM PST. You can alternatively post a question on our forum here and I'll try my best to answer it.
Hi Janice. I had a question about the closed status on all 3 of the jobs I applied for. I met the requirents for all 3. Is there something I completed wrong or I'm missing? I was a part of your recent webinar and made sure my application was completed correctly. Thanks.
Hi Claudia, I got your email! Sorry I received an overwhelming number of questions after the webinar, so it's taking me some time to get through them. I'll take a look and email you back in a bit. And thanks for attending the webinar!
Hello Janice,
I was invited to attend my second interview in May. I had a death in the family and had to put it on hold. I have been trying to reach my Teach Away rep, but she will not respond. I have spoken with another recruiting agency that would like to know the status of my application with ADEC. Please advise.
Hello Ebony;
Welcome to the forum and we are sorry to hear about the death in your family. I can see that you have applied to the position and one of our placement coordinators has been in touch to schedule an initial interview. We wish you good luck on your interview
Best, Shirin
Hi there, I have also been calling and sent an e-mail to try and make an appointment to speak to someone at your Toronto offices. Is there any way this can be arranged?
Hello Pedram;
Welcome to the forum! I had a look at your profile and you have not applied to any positions and to be contacted by one of our placement coordinators, your first step is to apply for the positions that you are interested in and qualify for! Please visit the job board, find something that you are interested in and apply to it. If you are considered for an initial interview we will get in touch with you.
As an applicant it is your responsibility to apply to the positions and we hope to see you've applied for some positions soon! Best, Shirin
Hi, How do I change my name on my account because I signed up using FB which doesn't have my actual name?
Hello Koms:
Welcome to the forum! You can make the changes by 'editing your profile summary'
Hope this helps Best, Shirin
Hi, I have been trying to contact the staff twice and received no response. So, here are my questions: 1. If the status of the application is Closed, does it mean that it was unsuccessful? And is there a way to watch/get information on the webinar and make sure I have completed my profile correctly? 2. There was a case where I could not apply to a job. A message came saying that I do not meet the requirements. However, I looked very carefully, and to my knowledge I did meet those. So, is there a way to know what particular requirement I do not meet? This situation happened 2-3 time with different jobs. I read the requirements and saw that I meet those, tried to apply but could not.
Hello, Two questions: 1. https://www.teachaway.com/teaching-jobs-abroad/preschool-teacher-westridge-preparatory-academy-china-0 - can't apply... Reason - "You are not able to apply for this position because you do not meet the minimum requirements for the position." But it's just not true... 2. https://www.teachaway.com/teaching-jobs-abroad/english-language-teacher-disney-english-china Can't apply using this web site, I need to use Disney Job Web site or sth. like that... and to sign in first, again :-/ I've already done that, as you can see :-) Why should I register again, using the redirected web site? Thanks :-)
Hello, I’ve tried emailing 3 different times, and haven’t gotten a response. What is the best email address to use to reach someone. I’m trying to find out who my new liaison is, since Miller no longer is available.
Hi Rey,
I can check in on this for you. Which email address have you been trying to reach and what's the email address you're sending from? Please keep in mind that much of our staff have been out of office over the holidays and are catching up on a lot of communication today!
If you do have a question you'd like to send through, we will definitely get back to you if it's directed to info@teachaway.com.
We appreciate your patience.
Happy New Year! Brett
I was die to have a pre screen telephone interview on the 10th of Jan. Everything was confirmed via email. I sat and waited for the call and no one rang? I have been trying to get in touch with the office and have had no response from the email I have sent.
What should I do? As I am really interested in the job?
Thanks Zaineb
Hi Zaineb,
I am happy to look into this further for you. Could you please tell me who your original pre-screen email was set up with so I could touch base and have them reach out to you again? We'll make sure your call gets rescheduled.
I also encourage you to continue applying for positions through our job board and a placement coordinator will be in touch with your next steps!
Apologies for any complications, I hope we can make it up to you as your job search continues.
Thanks for your patience, Brett
Hi There I have just signed up with teach away. I was hoping to just do a year away, hopeful in Dubai or ABU Dhabi. I see that the contract requirement is usually 3 years. Is it possible to get a job that is for only a year ? Thanks for your feedback Gayle
Hello Teach Away,
I have also been trying to reach you (via phone and email) for several weeks with no response. I am a semi-retired chemistry/biology professor interested in teaching overseas, primarily in Africa. I would consider doing volunteer work (with some compensation for housing, etc.). You mention this possibility on your site, yet there are no jobs at all in Africa posted. How do I get additional information? I have filled out the application and would like to speak to someone directly. Thank you in advance for your reply. Best Regards, Kathryn
I was due to have a pre screen telephone interview on 3rd December. Everything was confirmed via email, however I did not receive the call. I have been trying to get in touch with the office and have had no response from the email I have sent.
I have spoken with another recruiting agency that would like to know the status of my application with Ministry. Please advise.
Thanks Shajeda
Hello! I have applied for a few teaching jobs in Hong Kong - NET scheme. According to NET homepage there will be a few recruiting events worldwide and I would like to attend one in New York in Feb I could't find information about it on Teachaway website, that is why I have decided to inquire directly. Do I need to be selected for it? If it is available to all applicants, what are steps to register for it? Thank you so much!
Hi, I am a teacher belonging to Asian country.I have a query that, does teach away hire only NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS and not the NON NATIVES. Please reply.
Hi there I keep applying for jobs and I keep getting a response I don't meet the minimum requirements and how is that possible.Please check it out.
Hello I applied for a healthcare science position and an auditor position. I think someone tried to get in touch with me, but I missed the phone call. It was a phone number from the united kingdom. I tried to call the number back but it wouldn't go through.
Hi.... I´m looking for some change in my life. But not quite ready for long term commitment. Are there any temporary courses one could teach ranging from a couple of weeks to three months?
Hi, there I have applied for a few jobs on the website but never heard back from anyone. Is there an agent that I could contact or email. I am currently looking for a job in the UAE. I see that UAE Charter Schools are recruiting.
Is there any way to get a call back regarding the posts available in the UAE? I have applied for a few but have no replies or any contact although there are numerous posts advertised for long periods of time. I would like some advice to secure employment there please.
Thank you
How can I know about my application status I applied ling bck ago it was showing like submitted.can you help me in this prospect
mfermaint@yahoo.com 7879322245 The site doesnt allow me to click on a particular job, interested in applying, UAE govt schools
Hello, am wondering if someone can help me. I want to look at the ESL Teaching Jobs available, when clicking so its says there is 12,718 vacancies found. Despite there is only 26 on the list? I want to assess all the possibilities but cant seem to access the first 26?
Hello dear Teachaway Team,
I'm having difficulty uploading my updated resume ; could you please show me how to do it before I can fill in all the other information slots? Much appreciated.
I have been applying for positions that are posted but I haven't received any response. Can someone contact me please?
Good day. I've been trying to edit my profile summary without any success. Please advise. Thank you
Hi there, I have applied for 2 jobs , 2 weeks ago. Any idea when I would get a response/ feedback? The applications says submitted . Thank you.
I'm intrested in working as a teachers assistant within Primary Education KS1 & KS2.
I'm currently able to do immediate start if you were able to let me know if this was possible that would be great.
Best Wishes
I am applying for administrative positions. Since your website is designed to create teacher profiles, I am finding it virtually impossible to accurately reflect my experience. I tried calling the Vancouver office phone number, but was unable to connect. Is there someone who can help me?
How long does it roughly take to get a response after I've applied for teaching posts?